is a vital arm of the division as similarly as the cooperatively divisions in the Aviation regulatory department establishment. Its primary role is to effectively engage with the Aviation Service providers and Operators as the State Regulatory entity.

is obligated to monitoring and regulating the Safety of the Aviation Services in accordance to the forcible ICAO Standards demonstrated to the highest performance of safety by the aviation industries, specifically aviation service operator who have successfully acquired Civil Aviation Rule (CAR) Certificates for Aeronautical Telecommunication Service, Air Traffic Services, and Aeronautical Information Services & Aviation Meteorological Services.
Air Traffic Services
CAR172- Air Traffic Service Organizations Certification
Part 172 prescribes the certification and operating requirements for organizations providing an air traffic service in the New Zealand and Auckland Oceanic Flight Information Regions. This Part also prescribes the operating and technical standards for the provision of an air traffic service by a certificated organization. Air traffic service includes:
Any aerodrome control service, any area control service, any approach control service, any flight information service, any aerodrome flight information service, any alerting service and any other air traffic service considered by the Director to be necessary or desirable for the safe and efficient operation of the civil aviation system.

Aeronautical Telecommunication Services
CAR171 – Aeronautical Telecommunication Services — Operation and Certification
Part 171 provides the operating and technical standards for aeronautical telecommunication services and facilities, and the rules governing the certification and operation of organisations providing aeronautical telecommunication services in support of IFR flight or an air traffic service.
Aeronautical Information Services
CAR175- Aeronautical Information Service Organisations — Certification
Part 175 prescribes – • rules governing the certification and operation of organisations providing an aeronautical information service for New Zealand on behalf of the Authority; and • the requirements for Aeronautical Information Publication New Zealand, Aeronautical Information Circulars and NOTAM.
Aviation Metrological Services
CAR174 – Aviation Meteorological Service Organisations — Certification
Part 174 prescribes – • rules governing the certification and operation of organisations providing meteorological services for aviation; and • requirements governing the provision of basic weather reports for aviation.